Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So like I said the initial date went very well. However, some of the things he told me were lies. Like that he is an active member of the Church, he doesn't drink and that he was not recently engaged. Well all of those are lies. He is not active and he does drink and he was recently engaged and she broke it off when he was caught with someone else. I must say its for the best though. He was a major city boy (even afraid of horses) and then there is me who is totally country. I love anything to do with being outside and I have a horse that I love to ride. Needless to say we will not be going out again. I got all of this wonderful information from a nosey neighbor whom I love dearly. She and her family moved in next door a few years ago and when we heard they were moving in we were disappointed because that meant a family member (literally) would be moving away. Well it has been wonderful. They get along great with our family and I love their kids. Shes like a sister and she was concerned because she had heard some things about him so she asked the sister to the girl he was engaged to. She told her things about him and she relayed them to me. I must say I am grateful for her concern! So I was just thinking its funny how life works out. I mean we look toward certain events but they really never work out the way we expect them to. Sometimes, like in the date situation, they work out worse than expected and sometimes, like the new neighbor, they work out better than expected. Either way they work out it always turns out to be the best for you at that point in your life. Somtimes we don't see it that way at the time but looking back I think we appreciate the trials and the circumstances that we are given. I believe thats what makes us who we are and shapes us into the people we become.

1 comment:

  1. definitely you did the right thing. I can't believe that he lied that big.
